A postdoctoral research fellow/research associate position is immediately available at the Center for Ophthalmic Optics and Lasers (www.COOLLab.net), Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University. The postdoc will develop novel ophthalmic imaging instruments and analytic algorithms to advance the measurement of ocular structure and function. Ph.D. in Optics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, or a related field is required. The successful applicant will demonstrate a strong motivation for innovative, translational research that can positively impact the care and management of eye diseases. The candidate is expected to have demonstrated strong expertise in one or more of the following areas: optical imaging instrumentation (e.g., optical coherence tomography), optomechanical and electromechanical design, imaging processing, programing (e.g., C/C++, Python, Matlab, etc.). Experience in biomedical research and clinical studies involving human subjects are desirable.
Interested applicant should contact Dr. Siyu Chen (chensiy@ohsu.edu) or Dr. David Huang (huangd@ohsu.edu) for details. Please include most recent CV and contact details for two referees when apply.
Ophthalmic Optical Instrumentation Position at Oregon Health & Science University
Get in touch with the COOL Lab
Center for Ophthalmic Optics & Lasers (COOL)
Oregon Health & Science University
Casey Eye Institute
515 SW Campus Dr.,
Portland, OR 97239
Phone: 503.494.5131
Email: romfhd@ohsu.edu

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in OCT Image Processing and Machine Learning
A postdoctoral research fellow position is immediately available in the Center for Ophthalmic Optics & Lasers Lab (www.coollab.net), Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University. The fellowship will focus on interdisciplinary projects in the field of biomedical image processing, visual optics, and machine learning. PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Optics, or related field of research is required. The position is supported by NIH/NEI research grants to apply optical coherence tomography (OCT), OCT angiography, and optical coherence elastography on anterior eye disease evaluation. Machine learning approaches will be used for disease classification. Demonstrated excellence in one or more of the following areas is preferred: OCT, image processing, visual optics, modelling algorithms, artificial intelligence and machine learning, C++/Matlab/Python programming for data analysis.
Please Contact Dr. Yan Li (liyan@ohsu.edu) or Dr. David Huang (huangd@ohsu.edu) for details. Applications should include a CV, and contact information of two referees.
Optical Instrumentation Position Opening at Oregon Health & Science University
A postdoctoral research fellowship/research associate position is immediately available in the Center for Ophthalmic Optics and Lasers www.COOLLab.net, Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & Science University. The fellowship will focus on interdisciplinary projects in the field of optical ophthalmic imaging hardware and software. Ph.D. in Optics, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or a related field is required. Demonstrated excellence in one or more of the following areas is desired: expertise in optical coherence tomography, scanning laser ophthalmoscope and adaptive optics, optical/electrical system design, prototyping and simulation, data acquisition and system control/synchronization, and C++/GPU programming for real-time processing. Broad experience in optics, signal processing, and image processing are also preferred.
Please Contact Dr. Yifan Jian at jian@ohsu.edu or Dr. David Huang at huangd@ohsu.edu for details. Applications, including a current CV, and contact details for 2 referees, should be submitted.
Positions for Advanced Retinal Imaging and Artificial Intelligence are Available with Dr. Yali Jia's Team
Postdoc or graduate student positions are available @coollab, Casey Eye Institute, OHSU. These positions will pivot to interdisciplinary projects in optical retinal imaging hardware and/or software. They are supported by sustainable NIH/NEI research grants. Background with Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Optics, Applied Physics or a related field is required. Demonstrated excellence in one or more of the following areas is desired: experience in OCT instrument, data acquisition/processing software in C++/GPU. Broad experience in signal/imaging processing and deep learning network are also preferred.
For more information on the position, please contact Dr. Yali Jia, jiaya@ohsu.edu. Applications, including a current CV, and contact details for 2 referees, should be submitted