Xiao (Gabriella) Zhou
A research associate at Casey Eye Institute. She completed her MSc in bioengineering from University of Washington in 2021. Her main research interests include OCT and OCTA imaging processing and data analysis.

Kabir Hossain, PHD
Earned his Ph.D in Photonics Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark in 2019. He received his BS and MS in computer engineering from Chonnam National University (CNU), South Korea in 2011 and 2013, respectively. Before doing his Ph.D., he was working as a Sr. Software Engineer at Samsung Electronics, Bangladesh. He completed his postdoctoral training at The University of Alabama (UA) and joined Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) as a postdoctoral researcher in May 2022. His research experience includes image, wearable signal processing, food intake detection and machine learning.

Clara Llorens Quintana, PhD
Dr. Clara Llorens Quintana earned her MSc in Advanced Optometry and Vision Science from the University of Valencia (Spain) and her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland). Her main interest includes image analysis for the characterization of anterior eye ocular structures and the diagnosis of anterior eye diseases.

Kotaro Tsuiboi, PhD
Dr. Kotaro Tsuboi is a vising scholar from Aichi Medical University in Aichi, Japan. He earned his MD at Kochi University. His research interests focus on optical coherence tomography angiography in retinal vascular diseases.

Elias Pavlatos, PhD
Elias Pavlatos is a postdoctoral researcher working on OCT imaging of the cornea to develop techniques for disease diagnosis and image-assisted surgery. He earned his BA degree in Physics from Wittenberg University and his MS and PhD degrees in Biomedical Engineering from The Ohio State University. His research experience includes image processing, elastography methods, and tissue biomechanics.

Shaohua Pi, PhD
Shaohua PI works as a postdoctoral researcher fellow at Casey Eye Institution. Before joining the COOL Lab, he earned his PhD degree from Fudan University, China. Currently his research interest focuses on developing Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) systems and related image processing techniques.

Bingjie Wang, PhD
Bingjie Wang joins the COOL lab as a research assistant. She earned her PhD degree from Fudan University, China. Her research interest is using optical coherence tomography angiography to identify retinal diseases.

Keke Liu
Medical student at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine - 1yr research fellow
Keke earned his BS in biomedical engineering at University of Miami. His research interests include OCT and OCTA imaging in glaucoma and retinal diseases.

Priscilla Q. Vu, MD, MS
Priscilla is currently the Cornea, External Eye Disease & Refractive Surgery Fellow at Casey Eye Institute. She graduated from medical school and ophthalmology residency at the University of California, Irvine. Her research interests are in clinical and surgical ophthalmology as well as anterior segment imaging.

Ping Wei, MD
Ping Wei is a research associate. She earned her MD, PhD degree in Capital Medical University, Beijing. Her research interests focuses on optical coherence tomography angiography in glaucoma and neuro-ophthalmology.

Qi Sheng You, MD, PhD
Dr. Qi Sheng You earned his MD, PhD degree in Capital Medical University. He is a senior research associate. His research interests focus on optical coherence tomography angiography in retinal diseases and glaucoma.”

Liang Liu, MD
Dr. Liang Liu is a research associate from Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing, China. He completed his MD at the Peking University. His research focuses on optical coherence tomography and functional imaging in retinal diseases.

Xiang Wei, MS
Xiang Wei is a biomedical engineering PhD student. He received a BS in Applied Physics from Shandong Normal University and a BS in Electronic Engineering from Weber State University in Utah. His research interests include optical coherence tomography and biomedical imaging processing.

LiQin Gao, MD, PhD
LiQin Gao is a visiting scholar. She earned her MD, PhD degree in ophthalmology from Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. She works in Beijing Tongren Hospital as a retinal specialist. Her research focuses on optical coherence tomography angiography in retinal diseases.

Xiaogang Wang, MD, PhD
Dr. Xiaogang Wang, a faculty member of Shanxi Eye Hospital specializing in the treatment of cataract and retinal disease, tutor for postgraduate students of Shanxi Medical University, worked in the COOL Lab as an international visiting scholar under the supervision of Dr. David Huang and Yali Jia from October 2012 through November 2013. During COOL Lab studying period, Dr. Wang focused his research on imaging and measurement of retinal, choroidal and optic nerve head blood flow in multiple sclerosis disease using swept source optical coherence tomography. Two papers based on this work have been published in British Journal of Ophthalmology. Dr. Wang was awarded 2 research project grants, focused on multimodal optical coherence tomography imaging and deep learning in cataract and retinal disease, from National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published ~30 peer-reviewed journal papers and 4 book chapters, and co-edited 1 book.

Catherine Cleary, MD
Dr. Catherine Cleary, MD, a corneal surgeon and a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, worked in the COOLLab from January to December 2010 while she was a research fellow with Dr David Huang at the Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California. During this time she performed research on applications of anterior segment Fourier-Domain OCT combined with femtosecond and excimer lasers to develop novel corneal transplantation techniques. This involved a series of experiments testing novel OCT-guided transplant techniques on eye-bank eyes. Two papers based on this work have been accepted for publication in the journal Cornea. She also worked on OCT applications used in guiding laser treatment of superficial corneal scars and opacities and on guiding accurate femtosecond laser keratotomy incisions for the treatment of high astigmatism following corneal transplantation. Lastly, she collaborated on projects involving Fourier-Domain OCT imaging of the anterior chamber angle. Following her year with the COOLLab, Dr Cleary returned to Ireland where she is now a faculty member at a University Hospital specializing in the treatment of corneal diseases.

Alex D. Pechauer, BS
Alex Pechauer is a Research Assistant coming to us from a Northwest suburb of Chicago. He received his BS in Biology from Carroll University and previously conducted research in Ophthalmology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Alex will be crucial in the development of tissue phantoms for various imaging modalities. He will also be working on the establishment and execution of several experimental protocols.

Acner Camino, PhD
Acner earned his PhD in Optics in 2015. During his postdoctoral fellowship in the COOL lab, he developed image processing algorithms to remove motion and shadow artifacts from OCTA images, as well as adaptive-optics prototypes that improved the optical resolution of OCT/OCTA imaging of the retina. Acner is currently an Imaging Scientist supporting clinical trials of therapies targeting VEGF and Ang-2 inhibition in Ophthalmology.

Jason Tokayer, PhD
Jason Tokayer earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering from USC in 2013. Jason worked in the COOL lab as a graduate student under Dr. Huang’s tutelage, and focused his research on data analysis via signal and image processing in OCT. He is one of the co-inventors of the split-spectrum amplitude decorrelation angiography (SSADA) imaging and quantification methods.
Since graduating, Jason has taken his experience in data and analysis from academia to industry. Jason currently leads the Data and Analytics Center of Excellence at UKG. His organization is charged with implementing standards across the organization for data, metrics, and analysis, and delivering insights gleaned from data to drive decisions and improved business outcomes. Jason leads data governance and quality, reporting, advanced analytics, and data literacy initiatives across UKG’s business operations.

Changlei Dongye, PhD
Dr. Changlei Dongye is a visiting scholar from Shandong University of Science and Technology in Qingdao, China. He received his PhD in computer software and theory from Shandong University of Science and Technology. His research interests focused on medical image processing, segmentation of optical coherence tomography.

Ahmed M. Hagag, MD
Ahmed Hagag first joined the COOL Lab when he was a medical student, then he worked as a Research Assistant until May 2018. He was conducting early clinical studies on the use of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) in retinal diseases. He was also studying ocular vascular response to physiologic stimuli.
Since leaving the COOL Lab, Ahmed has moved to London and joined Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology as a Clinical Research Fellow and PhD student. He currently operates as an investigator, running prospective clinical trials under the supervision of Prof. Sobha Sivaprasad at Moorfields Clinical Research Facility. Ahmed is employing his expertise in ophthalmic image interpretation and analysis to develop and validate imaging biomarkers for retinal and choroidal diseases.

Hideaki Yokogawa, MD
Dr. Hideaki Yokogawa earned his MD in 1998 and PhD in 2010, in Kanazawa University, Japan. He was a visiting researcher of the COOL lab from May to November 2015. During this time, he performed research on applications of anterior segment OCT for both lamellar keratoplasty and phototherapeutic keratectomy. In 2021, he works now as an Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Japan. He helps many patients as a corneal and retinal surgeon in Kanazawa University Hospital.

Miao Zhang, PhD
Miao earned his PhD in Physics and MS in Computer Science in 2015. He focused on clinical image analysis as well as visible light OCT system design during his postdoctoral training at the COOL lab. From 2016 to 2020, he worked in the R&D sector of two medical device companies. Miao is currently an AI scientist at a pharmaceutical company.

Johnny Su, PhD
Dr. Ping-Jung (Johnny) Su earned his PhD in Biomedical Optics from Taiwan University (Taihoku University). Johnny was a post-doctoral fellow in the COOL Lab and focused his research on the instrumentation of OCT angiography and conjunctivoplasty.
Johnny is tremendously inspired by COOL Lab and Dr. Huang on how they provided the best health care for patients as well as how they brought clinical problems into the research laboratory and formulate effective solutions.
Since then, it has been Johnny’s dream to be a vitreoretinal surgeon. Johnny is currently a 2nd-year medical student at Lincoln Memorial University in Knoxville, TN. He aims to integrate his engineering background into medicine and devise better diagnostics and treatment for the eye diseases.

Chenxing Zhang, MD, PhD

Simon S. Gao, PhD
Dr. Simon Gao earned his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from Rice University. Simon was a post-doctoral fellow in the COOL lab. Simon's research interests include biomedical optics, optical coherence tomography, and sensory systems.

Janice Van Norman, COT
Janice is our study coordinator who's main focus is on our Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma study at OHSU. However, she is also responsible for subject recruitment and management across all of our clinical studies. She is a certified ophthalmic technician and has worked previously in general and pediatric ophthalmology.

David Poole, COT
David is a research coordinator working on our diabetic retinopathy studies among others. He is a certified ophthalmic technician with experience in general ophthamology clinics and currently performs OCT imaging on study patients. He received his B.A. in English and worked in publishing.

Jianlong Yang, PhD
Jianlong Yang earned his PhD in Optical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2015. He is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Casey Eye Institute. His research interests include optical coherence tomography, biomedical imaging, novel laser sources, and nonlinear fiber optics.
Li Liu, MS
Li Liu is a visiting student from Shandong Normal University in Jinan, Shandong and is doing her master’s degree in Shandong Normal University. Li's research focuses on medical image segmentation and registration, optical coherence tomography.

Zhuo Wang
Zhuo Wang is an international visiting student. He is also a master's student of Shandong Normal University. His major is medical image processing, and his research interests are medical image segmentation and registration.

Yansha Lu, MS
Yansha Lu is an international Research Fellow in the COOL lab. She is a master's student of Shandong Normal University. Yansha’ s research interests are digital image processing and data analysis.

Shahrzad Mohammadi, MPH
Shahrzad Mohammadi is a Clinical Research Coordinator focusing on the retina studies and subject recruitment. She has worked in various research and healthcare settings, including Infectious Disease and Pediatrics. With a Master’s in Public Health she strives for a healthy and balanced lifestyle through fitness and nutrition.

Maolong Tang, PhD
Dr. Maolong Tang (Click here for Curriculum Vitae) earned his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Ohio State University in 2004 and completed his postdoctoral training in Doheny Eye Institute. He is currently Research Assistant Professor in Casey Eye Institute. His research interests include visual optics, corneal topography, optical coherence tomography and intraocular lens power calculation.

Rui Zhao, MS
Rui Zhao is an international visiting student. He is also a master's student of Shandong Normal University. Rui’s research interests are medical image texture analysis and machine learning.

Claudio Zett, MT
Claudio is a medical technologist in Ophthalmology and a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile. He is currently a postgraduate student in the PhD Program of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Honglian Xiong, PhD
Honglian Xiong is a visiting scholar from Foshan University. She received her PhD in Optics from South China Normal University. Her research focuses on Optical coherence tomography biomedical imaging and image segmentation.

Xinbo Zhang, PhD
Dr. Xinbo Zhang (Click here for Curriculum Vitae) is a senior statistician for the glaucoma imaging study. He received his PhD in biostatistics at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Mohamed A. Ahmed, MD
Dr. Ahmed is a post-doctoral visiting research fellow in the COOL Lab. He has graduated, earned his Master and Doctorate degrees from Minia University School of Medicine, Egypt; working as full-time lecturer of Ophthalmology teaching medical students and operating for cataract and refractive surgery as well as most ocular diagnostics. Master thesis in 2007 was about the use of OCT in diabetic retinopathy. During his MD he worked for 2-years as a clinical research fellow in Kitasato University, Japan studying the femtosecond-assisted laser vision correction (FLeX & SMILE), corneal surgery & ICL implantation. Currently; working on optical coherence tomography angiography application in uveitis and retinal vasculitis.

Yimin Wang, PhD
Dr. Yimin Wang is a Research Assistant Professor in Casey Eye Institute. He earned his Ph.D. degree in optics from the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, China. He performed postdoctoral fellowships at the University of California, Irvine and the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University.