Publication List
Wongchaisuwat N, Wang J, Hormel TT, White ES, Rodanant N, Jia Y, Phasukkijwatana N. Slab-specific projection-resolved optical coherence tomography angiography for enhancing en face polyp detection in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2025,66(1):9. doi: 10.1167/iovs.66.1.9
Yeh PH, Wang J, Tan O, Silbermann E, White E, Choi D, Chen A, Ing E, Bourdette D, Jia Y, Huang D. Differentiating Multiple Sclerosis and Glaucoma with Sectoral Pattern Analysis of Peripapillary Nerve Fiber Layer. Translational Vision Science & Technology. 2024,13(11):11.
Wongchaisuwat N, Wang J, White ES, Hwang TS, Jia Y, Bailey S. Detection of macular neovascularization in eyes presenting with macular edema using OCT angiography and a deep-learning model. Ophthalmology Retina. 2024, S2468-6530 (24) 00488-3. doi: 10.1016/j.oret.2024.10.017.
Liang GB, Ni S, Hormel TT, Morrison JC, Lozano DC, Jian Y, Campbell JP, Jia Y. 112° field of view high-resolution swept-source OCT angiography for rat retinas. Optics Letter. 2024, 49, 6449-6452.
Liang, G. B., Ni, S., Hormel, T. T., Morrison, J. C., Lozano, D., Jian, Y., Campbell, J. P., & Jia, Y. (2024). 112º Field of View High-Resolution Swept-Source OCT Angiography for Rat Retinas. Optics Letter.
Humphreys, J., Jia, Y., & Pearce, E. (2024). Plain Language Summary: The Strengths and Challenges of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) in Diabetic Retinopathy. Expert Review of Ophthalmology, 1–17.
Ni S, Khan S, Jiménez-Villar A, Pennesi M, Huang D, Jian Y, Chen S. Optical Assessment of Photoreceptor Function Over the Macula. Translational Vision Science & Technology. 2024;13(8):41. doi:10.1167/tvst.13.8.41
Wongchaisuwat N, Amato A, Yang P, Everett L, Pennesi M, Huang D, Chen S. OCT Split-Spectrum Amplitude-Decorrelation Optoretinography Detects Early Central Cone Photoreceptor Dysfunction in Retinal Dystrophies. Translational Vision Science & Technology. 2024 Oct 1;13(10):5.doi: 10.1167/tvst.13.10.5.
Tsuboi K, You QS, Wang J, Guo Y, Flaxel CJ, Hwang TS, Huang D, Jia Y, Bailey ST. Quantitative evaluation of Type 1 and Type 2 Choroidal Neovascularization Components Under Treatments w=With Projection-Resolved OCTA. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2024 Sep 3;65(11):32. doi:10.1167/iovs.65.11.32.
Chen A, Wei P, Wang J, Liu L, Camino A, Guo Y, Tan O, Jia Y, Huang D. Glaucomatous Focal Perfusion Loss in the Macula Measured by Optical Coherence Tomographic Angiography. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2024;268:181-189. doi:10.1016/j.ajo.2024.07.008
Zang P, Hormel TT, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Quantitative volumetric analysis of retinal ischemia with an oxygen diffusion model and optical coherence tomography angiography. Ophthalmology Science. 2024, doi:
Guo Y, Hormel TT, Gao M, You Q, Wang J, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Multi-plexus nonperfusion area segmentation in wide-field OCT angiography using a deep convolutional neural network. Translational Vision Science & Technology. 2024,13(7):15
Ni S, Ng R, Huang D, et al. Non-mydriatic ultra-widefield diffraction-limited retinal imaging. Optics Letters. 2024;49(14):3902-3905. doi:10.1364/OL.525364
Ni S, Liang G ben, Ng R, et al. Panretinal handheld OCT angiography for pediatric retinal imaging. Biomedical Optics Express. 2024;15(5):3412-3424. doi:10.1364/BOE.520739
Hanif AM, Jian Y, Young BK, Campbell JP. Implementation of optical coherence tomography in retinopathy of prematurity screening. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. 2024;35(3):252-259. doi:10.1097/ICU.0000000000001030
Burt SS, Woodward M, Ni S, et al. Isolated Retinal Neovascularization in Retinopathy of Prematurity. Ophthalmology Retina. Published online May 2024. doi:10.1016/j.oret.2024.04.025
Wei X, Hormel TT, Renner L, Neuringer M, Jia Y*. Wide-field OCT angiography for non-human primate retinal imaging. Biomed Opt Express. 2024, 15: 4642-4654
Huang N, Hormel TT, Liang GB, Wei X, Guo Y, Chen S. Jia Y*. Optimizing numerical k-sampling for swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography. Optics Letter. 2024, 49, 1201-1204
Hormel TT, Liang GB, Wei X, Guo Y, Gao M, Wang J, Huang D, Bailey ST, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Visualizing new features with high-resolution and wide-field OCT angiography. Optics Express, 2024, 32, 10329-10347
Kai Neuhaus,1 Shanjida Khan,1,2 Omkar Thaware,1,2 Shuibin Ni,1,2 Mini Aga,1 Yali Jia,1,2 Travis Redd,1 Siyu Chen,1,2 David Huang,1,2 and Yifan Jian1,2,*. Real-time line-field optical coherence tomography for cellular resolution imaging of biological tissue. Biomedical Optics Express. 2024;15(2):1059. doi:10.1364/BOE.511187
Wongchaisuwat N, Wang J, Yang P, Everett L, Gregor A, Sahel JA, Nischal KK, Pennesi ME, Gillingham MB, Jia Y*. Optical coherence tomography angiography of choroidal neovascularization in Long-chain 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHADD). American Journal of Ophthalmology Case report. 2023, 32:101958
Llorens-Quintana, C., Li, Y., Chen, S., Fujimoto, J. G., & Huang, D. (2023). Characterization of the external limbus on corneoscleral topography with ultrawide-field optical coherence tomography. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 46(6), 102065.
Liang GB, Hormel TT, Wei X, Guo Y, Wang J, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Single-shot OCT and OCT angiography for slab-specific detection of diabetic retinopathy. Biomed. Opt. Express. 2023,14: 5682-5695
Hormel TT, Jia Y*. OCT angiography and its retinal biomarkers [invited]. Biomed. Opt. Express. 2023, 14, 4542-4566
Waheed N, Rosen R, Jia Y, Munk MR, Huang D, Fawzi A, Chong V, Nguyen QD, Sepah Y, Pearce E. Optical coherence tomography angiography in diabetic retinopathy. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2023, 97:101206
Chen S, Ni S, Jiménez-Villar A, Jian Y, Jia Y, Huang D. Optical coherence tomography split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation optoretinography. Optics Letter. 2023, 48: 3921-3924
Zang P, Hormel TT, Wang X, Tsuboi K, Huang D, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Interpretable Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis based on Biomarker Activation Map. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TBME.2023.3290541.
Tsuboi K, Mazloumi M, Guo Y, Wang J, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Wilson DJ, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS. Early sign of retinal neovascularization evolution in diabetic retinopathy: a longitudinal OCT angiography study. Ophthalmology Science 2023,
Gao M, Hormel T, Guo Y, Tsuboi K, Flaxel CJ, Huang D, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Perfused and non-perfused microaneurysms identified and characterized by structural and angiographic OCT. Ophthalmology Retina 2023,
Pi S, Wang B, Gao M, Cepurna W, Lozano DC, Morrison JC, Jia Y*. Longitudinal observation of optic nerve transection rat model with visible light optical coherence tomography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2023, 64(4):17.
Ni S, Nguyen TP, Ng R, Woodward M, Ostmo S, Jia Y. Chiang MF, Huang D, Skalet AH, Campbell JP, Jian Y. Panretinal optical coherence tomography. IEEE Transactions on medical imaging. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2023.3278269.
Wang J, Hormel TT, Tsuboi K, Wang X, Ding X, Peng X, Huang D, Bailey ST, Jia Y*. Deep learning for diagnosing and segmenting choroidal neovascularization in OCT angiography on a large real-world dataset. Translational Vision Science & Technology. 2023, 12(4):15
Wang J, Hormel TT, Bailey ST, Hwang TS Huang D, Jia Y*. Signal Attenuation-Compensated Projection-Resolved Optical Coherence Tomographic Angiography. Biomed. Opt. Express. 2023, 14(5): 2040-2054
Yunchan Hwang, Jungeun Won, Antonio Yaghy, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Jessica M. Girgis, Kenneth Lam, Siyu Chen, Eric M. Moult, Stefan B. Ploner, Andreas Maier, Nadia K. Waheed, and James G. Fujimoto, "Retinal blood flow speed quantification at the capillary level using temporal autocorrelation fitting OCTA [Invited]," Biomed. Opt. Express 14, 2658-2677 (2023)
Keke Liu, Qi Sheng You, Aiyin Chen, Dongseok Choi, Elizabeth White, Jonathan C. H. Chan, Bonnie N. K. Choy, Kendrick C. Shih, Jasper K. W. Wong, Alex L. K. Ng, Janice J. C. Cheung, Michael Y. Ni, Jimmy S. M. Lai, Gabriel M. Leung, Ian Y. H. Wong, David Huang, Ou Tan; Sector-Based Regression Strategies to Reduce Refractive Error-Associated Glaucoma Diagnostic Bias When Using OCT and OCT Angiography. Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. 2023;12(9):10.
Nadia K. Waheed, Richard B. Rosen, Yali Jia, Marion R. Munk, David Huang, Amani Fawzi, Victor Chong, Quan Dong Nguyen, Yasir Sepah, Elizabeth Pearce, Optical coherence tomography angiography in diabetic retinopathy, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, Volume 97, 2023, 101206, ISSN 1350-9462, (
De Souza RG, Huang D, Prahl S, Nakhleh L, Pflugfelder SC. Comparison of Efficacy and Inflammatory Response to Thermoconjunctivoplasty Performed with Cautery or Pulsed 1460 nm Laser. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(6):5740.
Tsuboi K, Mazloumi M, Guo Y, Wang J, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS. Utility of En face OCT for the Detection of Clinically Unsuspected Retinal Neovascularization in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy. Ophthalmol Retina 2023:S2468-6530(23)00099-4. doi: 10.1016/j.oret.2023.03.002. Epub ahead of print.
Tsuboi K, You QS, Guo Y, Wang J, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS. Automated Macular Fluid Volume As a Treatment Indicator for Diabetic Macular Edema. Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/24741264231164846
Hormel TT, Hwang TS, Bailey ST, Wilson DJ, Huang D, Jia Y. Artificial intelligence in OCT Angiography. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2022;85:100965. PMCID: PMC8455727.
Nguyen TTP, Ni S, Khan S, Wei X, Ostmo S, Chiang MF, Jia Y, Huang D, Jian Y, Campbell JP. Advantages of widefield optical coherence tomography in the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2022;9:797684.
Scruggs BA, Ni S, Nguyen TP, Ostmo S, Chiang MF, Jia Y, Huang D, Jian Y, Campbell JP. Peripheral OCT Assisted by scleral depression in retinopathy of prematurity. Ophthalmol Sci. 2022;2(1):100094. doi:10.1016/j.xops.2021.100094. PMCID: PMC8813034.
Khan S, Ni S, Nguyen TTP, Ng R, Lujan BJ, Tan O, Huang D, Jian Y. Volumetric measurement of Henle’s fiber layer and outer nuclear layer thickness using directional optical coherence tomography. Proc. SPIE 11948, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVI 2022; 1194802. doi: 10.1117/12.2611598.
Gao M, Guo Y, Hormel TT, Tsuboi K, Pacheco G, Poole D, Bailey ST, Flaxel CJ, Huang D, Hwang TS, Jia Y. A Deep Learning Network for Classifying Arteries and Veins in Montaged Widefield OCT Angiograms. Ophthalmology Science 2022;2(2): 100149. doi:10.1016/j.xops.2022.100149.
Liu K, Tan O, You QS, Chen A, Chan JCH, Choy BNK, Shih KC, Wong JKW, Ng ALK, Cheung JJC, Ni MY, Lai JSM, Leung GM, Liu L, Huang D, Wong IYH. Regression-based strategies to reduce refractive error-associated glaucoma diagnostic bias when using OCT and OCT angiography. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2022;11(9):8. doi: 10.1167/tvst.11.9.8. PMCID: PMC9487171.
Khan S, Neuhaus K, Thaware O, Ni S, Jin Ju M, Redd T, Huang D, Jian Y. Corneal imaging with blue-light optical coherence microscopy. Biomed Opt Express 2022; 13(9): 5004-5014.
Pi S, Hormel TT, Wang B, Bailey ST, Hwang TS, Huang D, Morrison JC, Jia Y. Volume-based, layer-independent, disease-agnostic detection of abnormal retinal reflectivity, nonperfusion, and neovascularization using structural and angiographic OCT. Biomed Opt Express 2022; 13(9): 4889-4906.
Ma D, Pasquale LR, Girard MJ, Leung CK, Jia Y, Sarunic MV, Sappington RM, Chan KC. Reverse translation of artificial intelligence in Glaucoma: Connecting basic science with clinical applications. Front Ophthalmol (Lausanne).2023;2:1057896. doi: 10.3389/fopht.2022.1057896. PMCID: PMC9976697.
Tsuboi K, Guo Y, Wang J, Kamei M, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS, Bailey ST. Three-dimensional quantification of intraretinal cystoid space associated with full thickness macular hole. Retina 2022; 42(12), 2267-2275. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003618.
Nguyen TP, Ni S, Ostmo S, Rajagopalan A, Coyner AS, Woodward M, Chiang MF, Jia Y, Huang D, Campbell JP, Jian Y. Association of Optical Coherence Tomography-Measured Fibrovascular Ridge Thickness and Clinical Disease Stage in Retinopathy of Prematurity. JAMA Ophthalmol 2022;140(11):1121–7. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2022.4173. PMCID: PMC9562098.
Nguyen TP, Ni S, Liang G, Khan S, Wei X, Skalet A, Ostmo S, Chiang MF, Jia Y, Huang D, Jian Y, Campbell JP. Widefield Optical Coherence Tomography in Pediatric Retina: A Case Series of Intraoperative Applications Using a Prototype Handheld Device. Front Med (Lausanne) 2022;9:860371. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.860371. PMCID: PMC9289179.
Zang P, Hormel TT, Bailey ST, Huang D, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Deep-Learning-Aided Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, and Glaucoma Based on Structural and Angiographic OCT. Ophthalmol Sci 2022;3(1):100245. doi: 10.1016/j.xops.2022.100245. PMCID: PMC9791595.
Wei X, Hormel TT, Pi S, Wang B, Morrison JC, Jia Y*, Wide-field sensorless adaptive optics swept-source optical coherence tomographic angiography in rodents. Optics Letter 2022;47(19):5060-5063. doi: 10.1364/OL.472387.
Zang P, Hormel TT, Wang X, Tsuboi K, Huang D, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. A Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Framework Based on Deep-Learning Analysis of OCT Angiography. Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. . 2022;11(7):10. doi: 10.1167/tvst.11.7.10. PMCID: PMC9288155.
Zang P, Hormel TT, Wang X, Tsuboi K, Huang D, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Interpretable Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis based on Biomarker Activation Map. 2022, arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.06299.
Pi S, Hormel TT, Wang B, Bailey ST, Hwang TS, Huang D, Morrison JC, Jia Y*. Volume-based layer-independent disease-agnostic detection of abnormal retinal reflectivity, nonperfusion, and neovascularization using structural and angiographic OCT. Biomed Opt Express. 2022, 13, 4889-4906.
Ping Wei, Julie Falardeau, Aiyin Chen, Jie Wang, Liu L, Jia Y*, Huang D. Optical coherence tomographic angiography detects retinal vascular changes associated with pituitary adenoma. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports 2022; 28:101711. PMCID: 9508249.
Ni S, Nguyen TP, NG R, Khan S, Ostmo S, Jia Y, Chiang MF, Huang D, Campbell JP, Jian Y. 105 field of view non-contact handheld swept-source optical coherence tomography. Optics Letter 2021; 46, 5878-5881.
Tsuboi K, You Q, Guo Y, Wang J, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS. Association between fluid volume in inner nuclear layer and visual acuity in diabetic macular edema. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2022; 237: 164-172.
Neuhaus K, Ni S, Khan S, Tharawe O, Chen S, Huang D, Jian Y. Real-time line-field OCT using low-cost high-speed camera. Proc. SPIE 12367, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVII 2023:123670F20.
Bouma BE, de Boer JF, Huang, D, Jang IK, Yonetsu, T, Leggett CL, Leitgeb R, Sampson DD, Suter M, Vakoc BJ, Villiger M, Wojtkowski M. Optical coherence tomography. Nat Rev Methods Primers 2022; 2, 79. PMCID: 9901537
Ni S, Khan S, Nguyen TP, Ng R, Lujan BJ, Tan O, Huang D, Jian Y. Volumetric directional optical coherence tomography. Biomed Opt Express 2022;13(2):950-961. doi: 10.1364/BOE.447882. PMCID: PMC8884206.
Pavlatos E, Harkness B, Louie D, Chamberlain W, Huang D, Li Y. Differentiating between contact lens warpage and keratoconus using OCT maps of corneal mean curvature and epithelial thickness. J Refract Surg 2022;38(2):112-119. doi:10.3928/1081597X-20211116-01. PMCID: PMC8870421.
Chen S, Potsaid B, Li Y, Lin J, Hwang Y, Moult EM, Zhang J, Huang D, Fujimoto JG. High speed, long range, deep penetration swept source OCT for structural and angiographic imaging of the anterior eye. Sci Rep 2022;12(1):992. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-04784-0. PMCID: PMC8770693.
Hormel TT, Jia Y, Jian Y, Hwang TS, Bailey ST, Pennesia ME, Wilson DJ, Morrison JC, Huang D. Plexus-specific retinal vascular anatomy and pathologies as seen by projection-resolved optical coherence tomographic angiography. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2021; doi: 10.1016/j.preteyeres.2020.100878. PMCID: PMC7855241.
Tan O, Liu L, You Q, Wang J, Jia Y, Huang D. Optical coherence tomography nerve fiber layer reflectance focal loss analysis for glaucoma diagnosis. Translational Vision Science & Technology. May 2021, Vol.10, 9. doi:
You Q, Tsuboi K, Guo Y, Wang J, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS. Central macular fluid volume is a more accurate diagnostic biomarker for diabetic macular edema than retinal thickness. JAMA Ophthalmology 2021;139(7):734-741. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2021.1275.F PMCID: PMC8120439.
Gao L, Wang J, You Q, Guo Y, Flaxel CJ, Hwang TS, Huang D, Jia Y, Bailey ST. Plexus-specific retinal capillary avascular area in exudative age-related macular degeneration with projection-resolved OCT angiography. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2021; doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-317562. Epub 2020 Dec 22.
Xiang W, Hormel TT, Jia Y*. Phase-stabilized complex-decorrelation angiography. Biomed. Opt. Express. 2021; 12(4):2419-2431. doi: 10.1364/BOE.420503
Hormel TT, Huang D, Jia Y. Artifacts and artifact removal in optical coherence tomographic angiography. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2021 Mar;11(3):1120-1133. doi: 10.21037/qims-20-730. PMCID: PMC7829161.
Abraham AG, Guo X, Arsiwala LT, Dong Y, Sharrett AR, Huang D, You Q, Liu L, Lujan B, Tomlinson A, Mosley M, Coresh J, Jia Y, Mihailovic A, Ramulu PY. Cognitive decline in older adults: what can we learn from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)-based retinal vascular imaging? J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 Sep;69(9):2524-2535.doi: 10.1111/jgs.17272. Epub 2021 May 19.
Tan O, Liu L, You Q, Wang J, Chen A, Ing E, Morrison JC, Jia Y, Huang D. Focal loss analysis of nerve fiber layer reflectance for glaucoma diagnosis. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2021;10(6):9. doi: PMCID: PMC8107497.
Ni S, Wei X, Ng R, Ostmo S, Chiang MF, Huang D, Jia Y, Campbell JP, Jian Y. High-speed and widefield handheld swept-source OCT angiography with a VCSEL light source. Biomed Opt Express. 2021;12(6):3553-3570. doi:10.1364/BOE.425411. PMCID: PMC8221946.
Guo Y, Hormel TT, Gao L, You Q, Wang B, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Choi D, Huang D, Hwang TS, Jia Y. Quantification of nonperfusion area in montaged widefield OCT angiography using deep learning in diabetic retinopathy. Ophthal Sci. 2021. 1(2):100027. doi:10.1016/j.xops.2021.100027.
You QS, Tan O, Pi S, Liu L, Wei P, Chen A, Ing E, Jia Y, Huang D. Effect of algorithms and covariates in glaucoma diagnosis with optical coherence tomography angiography. BJO 2021. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-318677.
Cano J, Rahimi M, Xu BY, Richter GM, Tan O, Huang, D, Shahidi M. Relationship between macular vessel density and total retinal blood flow in primary open-angle glaucoma. Journal of Glaucoma. August 2021;30(8):666-671(6).
Liu L, Takusagawa HL, Greenwald MF, Wang J, Alonzo B, Edmunds B, Morrison JC, Tan O, Jia Y, Huang D. Optical coherence tomographic angiography study of perfusion recovery after surgical lowering of intraocular pressure. Sci Rep 2021;11,17251.
Tan O, Chen A, Li Y, Bailey S, Hwang TS, Lauer AK, Chiang MF, Huang D. Prospective evaluation of optical coherence tomography for disease detection in the Casey mobile eye clinic. Experimental Biology and Medicine. September 2021. doi:10.1177/15353702211037262.
Xiong H, You QS, Guo Y, Wang J, Wang B, Gao L, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Hwang TS, Jia Y. Deep learning-based signal-independent assessment of macular avascular area on 6×6 mm optical coherence tomography angiogram in diabetic retinopathy: a comparison to instrument-embedded software. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Sep 13:bjophthalmol-2020-318646. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-318646.
Liu K, Guo Y, You Q, Hormel T, Hwang TS, Jia Y. Normative intercapillary distance and vessel density data in the temporal retina assessed by wide-field spectral-domain optical coherence tomography angiography. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2021 Oct;246(20):2230-2237. doi: 10.1177/15353702211036704.
Jiao S, Jia Y, Yao X. Emerging imaging developments in experimental vision sciences and ophthalmology. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2021 Oct;246(20):2137-2139. doi: 10.1177/15353702211038891.
Guo Y, Hormel TT, Pi S, Wei X, Gao M, Morrison JC, Jia Y. An end-to-end network for segmenting the vasculature of three retinal capillary plexuses from OCT angiographic volumes. Biomed Opt Express 2021 Jul 16;12(8):4889-4900. doi:10.1364/BOE.431888. PMCID: PMC8407822.
Schmidt-Erfurth U, Reiter GS, Riedl S, Seeböck P, Vogl WD, Blodi BA, Domalpally A, Fawzi A, Jia Y, Sarraf D, Bogunović H. AI-based monitoring of retinal fluid in disease activity and under therapy. Prog Retin Eye Res 2021 Jun 22:100972. doi:10.1016/j.preteyeres.2021.100972.
You QS, Tsuboi K, Guo Y, Wang J, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS. Comparison of central macular fluid volume with central subfield thickness in patients with diabetic macular edema using optical coherence tomography angiography. JAMA Ophthalmol 2021 Jul 1;139(7):734-741. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2021.1275. PMCID: PMC8120439.
Miao Y, Siadati M, Song J, Ma D, Jian Y, Beg MF, Sarunic MV, Ju MJ. Phase-corrected buffer averaging for enhanced OCT angiography using FDML laser. Opt Lett 2021;46(16):3833-3836. doi: 10.1364/OL.430915.
Scruggs BA, Ni S, Nguyen, TT P, Ostmo S, Chiang MF, Jia Y, Huang D, Jian Y, Campbell JP. Peripheral optical coherence tomography assisted by scleral depression in retinopathy of prematurity. medRxiv 2021. doi:
Llorens-Quintana C, Pavlatos E, Thaware O, Gupta S, Gradin D, Romfh D, Li Y, Huang D. Accuracy of OCT-derived net corneal astigmatism measurement. J Cataract Refract Surg 2022;48(3):267-274. doi:10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000766. PMCID: PMC8792105.
You QS, Camino A, Wang J, Guo Y, Flaxel CJ, Hwang TS, Huang D, Jia Y, Bailey ST. Geographic atrophy progression is associated with choriocapillaris flow deficits measured with optical coherence tomographic angiography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2021;62(15):28. doi:10.1167/iovs.62.15.28.
Tsuboi K, You QS, Guo Y, Wang J, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS. Association Between Fluid Volume in Inner Nuclear Layer and Visual Acuity in Diabetic Macular Edema. Am J Ophthalmol 2021;237:164-172. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2021.12.012. Epub ahead of print.
Ni S, Nguyen TP, Ng R, Khan S, Ostmo S, Jia Y, Chiang MF, Huang D, Peter Campbell J, Jian Y. 105° field of view non-contact handheld swept-source optical coherence tomography. Opt Lett 2021;46(23):5878-5881. doi:10.1364/OL.443672.
Wang J, Hormel TT, Tsuboi K, Wang X, Ding X, Peng X, Bailey ST, Jia Y; Diagnosing and segmenting choroidal neovascularization in optical coherence tomographic angiography using deep learning. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2021;62(8):2159.
Wang J, Hormel TT, Gao L, Zang P, Guo Y, Wang X, Bailey ST, Jia Y*. Automated diagnosis and segmentation of choroidal neovascularization in OCT angiography using deep learning. Biomed Opt Express 2020; 11(2):927–944. doi: 10.1364/BOE.379977. PMCID: PMC7041469.
Wang J, Hormel TT, You Q, Guo Y, Wang X, Chen L, Hwang TS, Jia Y*. Robust non-perfusion area detection in three retinal plexuses using convolutional neural network in OCT angiography. Biomed Opt Express 2019; 11(1):330‐345. doi:10.1364/BOE.11.000330. PMCID: PMC7041469.
You Q, Wang J, Guo Y, Flaxel CJ, Hwang TS, Huang D, Jia Y*, Bailey ST. Detection of reduced retinal vessel density in eyes with geographic atrophy secondary to age-related macular degeneration using projection-resolved optical coherence tomography angiography. Am J Ophthalm 2020; 209:206-212. doi:10.1016/j.ajo.2019.09.004. PMCID: PMC6911625.
Cano J, Farzad S, Khansari MM, Tan O, Huang D, Lim JI, Shahidi M. Relating retinal blood flow and vessel morphology in sickle cell retinopathy. Eye (Lond) 2020; 34:886–891. doi:10.1038/s41433-019-0604-y.
Camino A, Ringo Ng, Huang J, Guo Y, Ni S, Jia Y, Huang D, Jian Y. Depth-resolved optimization of a real-time sensorless adaptive optics optical coherence tomography. Opt. Lett 2020; 45, 2612-2615. doi: 10.1364/OL.390134.
You QS, Wang J, Guo Y, Pi S, Flaxel CJ, Bailey ST, Huang D, Jia Y, Hwang TS. Optical coherence tomography angiography avascular area association with one-year treatment requirement and disease progression in diabetic retinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 2020;29:S0002-9394(20)30192-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2020.04.024.
Thaware OC, Huang D. Enrichment of oxygen concentration over simulated corneal surface through noncontact oxygen delivery device. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2020; 36(9):613-616. doi: 10.3928/1081597X-20200611-01.
Pavlatos E, Huang D, Li Y. Eye motion correction algorithm for OCT-based corneal topography. Biomed. Opt Express 2020;11(12):7343-7356. doi: 10.1364/BOE.412209.
Gao L, Wang J, You Q, Guo Y, Hwang TS, Lujan BJ, Huang D, Jia Y, Bailey ST. Plexus-specific detection of retinal capillary nonperfusion in neovascular age-related macular degeneration with projection-resolved OCT angiography. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2020. In-Press.
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Tang M, Wang L, Koch DD, Li Y, Huang D. Intraocular lens power calculation after myopic and hyperopic laser vision correction using optical coherence tomography. Saudi J Ophthal 2012;26:19-24. doi: 10.1016/j.sjopt.2011.10.004. PMCID: PMC3729348.
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Tang M, Wang L, Koch DD, Li Y, Huang D. Intraocular lens power calculation after previous myopic laser vision correction based on corneal power measured by Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography. J Cataract Refract Surg 2012;38:589–594. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2011.11.025.. PMCID: PMC3311993.
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Jia Y, Tan O, Tokayer J, Potsaid BM, Wang Y, Liu JJ, Kraus MF, Subhash H, Fujimoto JG, Hornegger J, Huang D. Split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography with optical coherence tomography. Opt Express 2012;20:4710-4725. doi: 10.1364/OE.20.004710. PMCID: PMC3381646.
Samy El Gendy NM, Li Y, Zhang X, Huang D. Repeatability of pachymetric mapping using Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography in corneas with opacities. Cornea 2012;31:418-423. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0b013e31823f098c. PMCID: PMC3299829.
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Bald M, Li Y, Huang D. Anterior chamber angle evaluation with Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography. J Ophthamol 2012;2012:103704. doi:10.1155/2012/103704. PMCID: PMC3395157.
Huang D, Chopra V, Lu ATH, Tan O, Francis B, Varma R. Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma Study. Does optic nerve head size variation affect circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurement by optical coherence tomography? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2012;53:4990-4997. doi: 10.1167/iovs.11-8214PMC. PMCID: PMC4625828.
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Sehi M, Chung YS, Greenfield DS, Zhang X, Wollstein G, Francis BA, Schuman JS, Varma R, Huang D. Retinal nerve fiber layer atrophy is associated with visual field loss over time in glaucoma suspect and glaucomatous eyes. Am J Ophthal 2012;155:73-82. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2012.07.005. PMCID: PMC3525739.
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Choi WJ, Potsaid BM, Jayaraman V, Baumann B, Grulkowski I, Liu JJ, Lu CD, Cable AE, Huang D, Duker JS, Fujimoto JG. Phase-sensitive swept-source OCT imaging of the human retina with a vertical cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) light source. Opt Lett 2012:3:338-340. doi: 10.1364/OL.38.000338. PMCID: PMC3721635.
Grewal S, Sehi M, Paauw JD, Greenfield DS, and the Advanced Imaging in Glaucoma Study Group (Huang D). Detection of progressive retinal nerve fiber layer thickness loss with optical coherence tomography using 4 criteria for functional progression. J Glaucoma 2012;21:214-220. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0b013e3182071cc7. PMCID: PMC3170667.
Wu W, Tan O, Pappuru RR, Duan H, Huang D. Assessment of frame averaging algorithms in OCT image analysis. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2012;44:168-175. doi: 10.3928/23258160-20130313-09. PMCID: PMC4038406.
Wang M, Lu ATH, Varma R, Schuman JS, Greenfield DS, Huang D, Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma Study Group. Combining information from three anatomic regions in the diagnosis of glaucoma with time-domain optical coherence tomography. Journal of Glaucoma 2012;23(3):129-35. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0b013e318264b941. PMCID: PMC3535579.
Bald M, Li Y, Tang M, Wei E, Song J, Huang D. Anterior segment imaging with optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology International 2012;Autumn:74-79. PMC Journal – In Process.
Wang Y, Fawzi AA, Varma R, Sadun AA, Zhang X, Tan O, Izatt JA, Huang D. Pilot study of optical coherence tomography measurement of retinal blood flow in retinal and optic nerve diseases. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:840-845. doi: 10.1167/iovs.10-5985. PMCID: PMC3053109.
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Tang M, Huang D. Refractive surgical problem. J Cataract Refract Surg 2011;37:1371. PMC Journal – In Process
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Bujak MC, Yiu S, Zhang X, Li Y, Huang D. Serial measurement of tear meniscus by FD-OCT after instillation of artificial tears in patients with dry eyes. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging 2011;42:308-313. doi: 10.3928/15428877-20110603-02. PMC Journal – In Process.
Tittler EH, Bujak MC, Nguyen P, Zhang X, Li Y, Yiu SC, Huang D. Between-grader repeatability of tear meniscus measurements using fourier-domain optical coherence tomography in patients with dry eye. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers & Imaging 2011;42:423-427. doi: 10.3928/15428877-20110812-05. PMC Journal – In Process.
Samy El Gendy NM, Huang D. Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography of the anterior eye. Saudi Ophthalmology 2010;24:17-22.
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Tang M, Li Y, Huang D. An intraocular lens power calculation formula based on optical coherence tomography: a pilot study. J Refract Surg 2010;26:430-437. doi: 10.3928/1081597X-20090710-02. PMCID: PMC2916192.
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Potsaid BM, Baumann B, Huang D, Barry S, Cable AE, Schuman JS, Duker JS, and Fujimoto JG. Ultrahigh speed 1050nm swept source / Fourier domain OCT retinal and anterior segment imaging at 100,000 to 400,000 axial scans per second. Opt. Express 2010;18:20029-20048. doi: 10.1364/OE.18.020029. PMCID: PMC3136869.
Tang M, Chen A, Li Y, Huang D. Corneal power measurement with optical coherence tomography. J Cataract Refract Surg 2010;36:2115-2122. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2010.07.018. PMCID: PMC3005697.
Wang Y, Fawzi AA, Tan O, Gil-Flamer J, Huang D. Retinal blood flow detection in diabetic patients by Doppler Fourier domain optical coherence tomography. Opt Express 2009;17:4061-4073. doi: 10.1364/oe.17.004061. PMCID: PMC2821425.
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Ramos JLB, Li Y, Huang D. Clinical and research applications of anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2009;37:81-89. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-9071.2008.01823.x. PMCID: PMC2706099.
Wang Y, Lu A, Gil-Flamer J, Tan O, Izatt JA, Huang D. Measurement of total blood flow in the normal human retina using Doppler Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography. Br J Ophthalmol 2009;93:634-637. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2008.150276. PMCID: PMC2743389.
Salaroli CH, Li Y, Huang D. High-resolution optical coherence tomography visualization of LASIK flap displacement. J Cataract Refract Surg 2009;35:1640-1642. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.04.025. PMCID: PMC2765803.
Zhou S, Li Y, Lu ATH, Liu P, Tang M, Yiu SC, Huang D. Reproducibility of tear meniscus measurement by Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography: a pilot study. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2009;40:442-447. doi: 10.3928/15428877-20090901-01. PMCID: PMC2765195.
Huang D, Schallhorn SC, Sugar A, Farjo AA, Majmudar PA, Trattler WB, Tanzer DJ. Phakic intraocular lens implantation for the correction of myopia: a report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Ophthalmology 2009;116:2244-2258. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2009.08.018.
Tan O, Chopra V, Lu ATH, Schuman JS, Ishikawa H, Wollstein G, Varma R, Huang D. Detection of macular ganglion cell loss in glaucoma by Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology 2009;116:2305-2314. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2009.05.025. PMCID: PMC2787911.
Tan O, Li G, Lu ATH, Varma R, Huang D. Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma Study Group. Mapping of macular substructures with optical coherence tomography for glaucoma diagnosis. Ophthalmology 2008;115:949-956. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2007.08.011. PMCID: PMC2692598.
Su DHW, Friedman DS, See JLS, Chew PTK, Chan YH, Nolan WP, Smith SD, Huang D, Zheng C, Li Y, Foster, PJ, Aung T. Degree of angle closure and extent of peripheral anterior synechiae: an anterior segment OCT study. Br J Ophthalmol 2008;92:103-107. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2007.122572.
Schallhorn SC, Farjo AA, Huang D, Boxer Wachler BS, Trattler WB, Tanzer DJ, Majmudar PA, Sugar A. Wavefront-guided LASIK for the correction of primary myopia and astigmatism: a report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Ophthalmology 2008;115:1249-1261. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2008.04.010.
Alasil T, Tan O, Lu ATH, Huang D, Sadun, AA. Correlation of Fourier domain optical coherence tomography retinal nerve fiber layer maps with visual fields in nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy. Ophthalmic Surg Laser Imaging 2008;39(suppl):S71-S79. doi: 10.3928/15428877-20080715-03. PMCID: PMC2654551.
Ramos JLB, Zhou S, Yo C, Tang M, Huang D. High-resolution imaging of complicated LASIK flap interface fluid syndrome. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2008;39(suppl):S80-S82. doi: 10.3928/15428877-20080715-04. PMCID: PMC2654569.
Lu ATH, Wang M, Varma R, Schuman JS, Greenfield DS, Smith SD, Huang D. Advanced Imaging for Glaucoma Study Group. Combining nerve fiber layer parameters to optimize glaucoma diagnosis with optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology 2008;115:1352-1357. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2008.01.011. PMCID: PMC2756507.
Schallhorn JM, Tang M, Li Y, Song JC, Huang D. Optical coherence tomography of clear corneal incisions for cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2008;34:1561-1565. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.05.026. PMCID: PMC2556292.
Lim JI, Tan O, Fawzi AA, Hopkins JJ, Gil-Flamer JH, Huang D. A pilot study of Fourier domain optical coherence tomography of retinal dystrophy patients. Am J Ophthalm 2008;146:417-426. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2008.05.018. PMCID: PMC2654420.
Li Y, Meisler DM, Tang M, Lu ATH, Thakrar V, Reiser BJ, Huang D. Keratoconus diagnosis with optical coherence tomography pachymetry mapping. Ophthalmology 2008;115:2159-2166. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2008.08.004. PMCID: PMC2652571.
Wang Y, Bower BA, Izatt JA, Tan O, Huang D. Retinal blood flow measurement by circumpapillary Fourier domain Doppler optical coherence tomography. J Biomed Opt 2008;13:0640031-0640039. doi: 10.1117/1.2998480. PMCID: PMC2840042.
Sehi M, Guaqueta DC, Feuer WJ, Greenfield DS; Advanced Imaging in Glaucoma Study Group. Scanning laser polarimetry with variable and enhanced corneal compensation in normal and glaucomatous eyes. Am J Ophthalmol 2007;143:272-279. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2006.09.049. PMCID: PMC1832116.
Bakri SJ, Singh AD, Lowder CY, Chalita MR, Li Y, Izatt JA, Rollins AM, Huang D. Imaging of iris lesions with high-speed optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2007;38:27-34. doi: 10.3928/15428877-20070101-04.
Pedersen CJ, Huang D, Shure MA, Rollins AM. Measurement of absolute flow velocity vector using dual-angle delay-encoded Doppler optical coherence tomography. Opt Lett 2007; 32:506-508. doi: 10.1364/ol.32.000506.
Lin RC, Li Y, Tang M, McLain M, Rollins AM, Izatt JA, Huang D. Screening for previous refractive surgery in eye bank corneas using optical coherence tomography. Cornea 2007;26:594-599. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0b013e31803c5535.
Li Y, Netto MV, Shekhar R, Krueger RR, Huang D. A longitudinal study of LASIK flap and stromal thickness with high-speed optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology 2007;114:1124-1132. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2006.09.031.
Khurana RN, Li Y, Tang M, Lai MM, Huang D. High-speed optical coherence tomography of corneal opacities. Ophthalmology 2007;114:1278-1285. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2006.10.033.
Memarzadeh F, Li Y, Francis BA, Smith RE, Gutmark J, Huang D. Optical coherence tomography of the anterior segment in secondary glaucoma with corneal opacity after penetrating keratoplasty. Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:189-192. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2006.100099. PMCID: PMC1857632.
Memarzadeh F, Li Y, Chopra V, Varma R, Francis BA, Huang D. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography for imaging the anterior chamber after laser peripheral iridotomy. Am J Ophthalmol 2007;143:877-879. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2006.11.055. PMCID: PMC1913197.
Radhakrishnan S, See J, Smith SD, Nolan WP, Ce Z, Friedman DS, Huang D, Li Y, Aung T, Chew PTK. Reproducibility of anterior chamber angle measurements obtained with anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2007;48:3683-3688. doi: 10.1167/iovs.06-1120.
Reddy HS, Li Y, Yiu SC, Irvine JA, Huang D. Optical coherence tomography of corneal and scleral melts. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2007;38:514-517. doi: 10.3928/15428877-20071101-15.
Wang Y, Bower BA, Izatt JA, Tan O, Huang D. In vivo total retinal blood flow measurement by Fourier domain Doppler optical coherence tomography. J Biomed Opt 2007;12:041215-22. doi: 10.1117/1.2772871.
See JL, Chew PT, Smith SD, Nolan WP, Chan YH, Huang D, Zheng C, Foster PJ, Aung T, Friedman DS. Changes in anterior segment morphology in response to illumination and after laser iridotomy in Asian eyes: an anterior segment OCT study. Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:1485-1489. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2006.113654. PMCID: PMC2095449.
Memarzadeh F, Tang M, Li Y, Chopra V, Francis BA, Huang D. Optical coherence tomography assessment of angle anatomy changes after cataract surgery. Am J Ophthalmol. 2007;144:464-465. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2007.04.009. PMCID: PMC2080675.
Jeon SW, Shure MA, Baker KB, Huang D, Rollins AM, Chahlavi A, Rezai AR. A feasibility study of optical coherence tomography for guiding deep brain probes. J Neurosci Methods 2006;154:96-101. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2005.12.008. PMCid: PMC1769312.
Li Y, Shekhar R, Huang D. Corneal pachymetry mapping with high-speed optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology 2006;113:792-799. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2006.01.048. PMCID: PMC1474520.
Sadda SR, Tan O, Walsh AC, Schuman JS, Varma R, Huang D. Automated detection of clinically significant macular edema by grid scanning optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology 2006;113:1187-1196. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2005.12.020. PMCID: PMC1779509.
Torres LF, Saez-Espinola F, Colina JM, Retchkiman M, Patel MR, Agurto R, Garcia G, Diaz JL, Huang D, Schanzlin DJ, Chayet AS. In vivo architectural analysis of 3.2 mm clear corneal incisions for phacoemulsification using optical coherence tomography. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:1820-1826. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2006.06.020.
Avila M, Li Y, Song JC, Huang D. High-speed optical coherence tomography for management after laser in situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:1836-1842. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2006.07.015. PMCID: PMC1785111.
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Tang M, Li Y, Avila M, Huang D. Measuring total corneal power before and after laser in situ keratomileusis with high-speed optical coherence tomography. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:1843-1850. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2006.04.046. PMCID: PMC1808223.
Lai MM, Tang M, Andrade EMM, Li Y, Khurana RN, Song JC, Huang D. Optical coherence tomography to assess intrastromal corneal ring segment depth in keratoconic eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg 2006;32:1860-1865. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2006.05.030. PMCID PMC1802100.
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2003-2005 (Top of page)
Huang D, Tang M, Shekhar R. Mathematical model of corneal surface smoothing after laser refractive surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 2003;135(3):267-278. doi: 10.1016/s0002-9394(02)01942-6.
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Tang M, Shekhar R, Huang D. Mean curvature mapping for the detection of corneal shape abnormality. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2005;24:424-427. doi: 10.1109/tmi.2004.843192.
Thorell WE, Chow MM, Prayson RA, Shure MA, Jeon SW, Huang D, Zeynalov E, Woo HH, Rasmussen PA, Rollins AM, Masaryk TJ. Optical coherence tomography: a new method to assess aneurysm healing. J Neurosurg 2005;102:348-354. doi: 10.3171/jns.2005.102.2.0348. PMCID: PMC1779510.
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